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Tips menulis dari Paulo Coelho

On Confidence
You cannot sell your next book by underrating your book that was just published. Be proud of what you have. 

On Trust
Trust your reader, don’t try to describe things. Give a hint and they will fulfill this hint with their own imagination.
On Expertise
You cannot take something out of nothing. When you write a book, use your experience.
On Critics
Some writers want to please their peers, they want to be “recognized”. This shows insecurity and nothing else, please forget about this. You should care to share your soul and not to please other writers.
On Notetaking
If you want to capture ideas, you are lost. You are going to be detached from emotions and forget to live your life. You will be an observer and not a human being living his or her life. Forget taking notes. What is important remains, what is not important goes away.
On Research
If you overload your book with a lot of research, you are going to be very boring to yourself and to your reader. Books are not there to show how intelligent you are. Books are there to show your soul.
On Writing
I write the book that wants to be written. Behind the first sentence is a thread that takes you to the last.
On Style
Don’t try to innovate storytelling, tell a good story and it is magical. I see people trying to work so much in style, finding different ways to tell the same thing. It’s like fashion. Style is the dress, but the dress does not dictate what is inside the dress.

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